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[OT-04] MATCHA NONO (20g/0.7oz)

MATCHA NONO (20g/0.7oz)


Matcha NONO is created using traditional tools and techniques, carefully honed by Roasting Master SAKUYA.

With maximum fire used to bring out UMAMI, this matcha offers an optimal balance of astringency and flavor, and a rich, roasted aroma.

Enjoy a satisfying cup of tea suitable for even the newcomer.


Traditional Matcha for 1 tea bowl
(1) Sift Matcha Powder: 1/2 tsp (2g) (0.07oz)
(2) Add 70ml (2.37oz) hot water 80℃ (176℉)
(3) Whisk until foamy with a bamboo Chasen


Master the mix of astringency and UMAMI for a sublime cup of matcha.

Perfection takes practice - experience the challenge now!

The story behind of production

Mori-machi, renowned for its exceptional-tasting and high-quality tea, is the birthplace of matcha NoNo, its robust flavor renowned by tea-lovers worldwide.


  Osada Tea Japan Final Roasting Master SAKUYA

Final Roasting Master SAKUYA's Comments

The astringency is prominent, so high heat is employed to create a balanced, refreshing cup.
With intense fire, consumers can recognize the UMAMI and distinct roasted aroma, perfect for both matcha connoisseurs and newcomers alike.


Ingredients: Matcha (Green Tea Powder)
Award winning: Mori Town's Gold Award
Cultivar: YABUKITA
Duration of tea leaf sun shaded: 20~25 days
Harvest: Spring (First Flush)
Farm: Mori
Region: Shizuoka, Japan
Expect Annual Production: 150kg / 331 lbs
Manufacturer: OSADA Seicha Co., Ltd.
GTIN (JAN): 4986426081143
Steaming: Light
Roasting Level: 7
Stonemill: Yes
Grade: Ceremonial
Caffeine Level: High
Origin: Made in Japan with Japanese Material
Special Note: Shuchi Farm
Product Dimensions: 6.69 x 4.72 x 0.39 inches; 0.7 Ounces
Keeping Method: Best within 30 days after opening




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